WEMJ Volume 116 No. 1 March 2017

Welcome to the first issue of the journal for 2017. 


1. A Perinatal Growth Chart for International Reference P Dunn, WEMJ Volume 116 No.1 Article 1 March 2017

A versatile perinatal weight chart, based on the concept of normal unconstrained growth, has been created to serve as an international standard for reference purposes.  It permits allowance to be made for biologic variables such as sex and maternal height, and appears to be applicable to difference ethnic groups.  It is extremely easy to remember, to construct and to use.

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2. Founding the British Association of Perinatal Medicine in Bristol in 1976 P Dunn WEMJ Volume 116 No.1 Article 2 March 2017

Although I can look back now with pleasure and satisfaction, the founding of this Association was by far the most difficult task I ever attempted.  To understand this you need to appreciate the state of perinatal care at that time.

It was deplorable. 

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3. Book Review: The Dispensaries: Heathcare for the Poor Before the NHS, Britain’s forgotten Health-care System Michael Whitfield, WEMJ Volume 116 No.1 Article 3. March 2017

Reviewed by Paul R Goddard. Michael Whitfield is an eminent retired general practitioner and his book on the forgotten health services provided by the Dispensaries is timely and very readable.

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4.The Madhouses of St Georges, Peter Carpenter: The West of England Medical Journal Vol 116 No.1 Article  4,     Bristol  Medico-Historical  Society Proceedings

England first developed widespread specialised care for the mentally ill in the 18th century with the growth of the madhouse business which blossomed in the early 19th Century before collapsing with the growth of the public lunatic asylum.  These “madhouses” (as they were called at the time) were generally run by doctors but some were run by clerics and some by the doctor’s widows

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Welcome to the West of England Medical Journal. This is the online journal of the Bristol Medico Chirurgical Society. The journal was formerly known as the Bristol Medico Chirurgical Journal and was first published in 1883.

This is a general medical journal and is available for everybody to read online. To access the issue please click on the link in the column to the left of this introduction.

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