The Bristol Medico Historical Society

The lectures presented at the society meetings are now being published in the West of England Medical Journal.


contact for past proceedings.

The Bristol medico-historical society has, reluctantly decided to wind down, due to dwindling membership.

However there will be a series of Saturday meetings as we draw to an end.

next meeting

A Day for History
Saturday 21 September 2024
at the Wigwam

In gardens of The Red Lodge Museum, Park Row, Bristol BS1 5LJ

            Entry through garden gate in Lodge Street

With support of the Bristol 1904 Arts Society, the Bristol Medico-Historical Society is holding a day on the history of medicine in their Performance Hall, previously known as ‘Wigwam’.


9.45am Doors open

10.10 Michael Newstead, President of Bristol 1904 Arts:  The Wigwam and its history

10.30 Dr Paul Main, retired GP and Hon. Sen Lecturer Univ. Bristol:  Will Pickles of Wesleydale

11.00 Dr Evan Jones, Assoc. Professor, School Humanities, Univ. Bristol: Plague in early modern Bristol 

11.30 T&C break 

11.50 Mike Jempson: Writer and historian: Fishponds Lunatic Asylum 

12. 20 Dr Peter Carpenter, Retired Psychiatrist: Mr Ogilvie, Mr Purnell and Ridgeway House Asylum

12.50 Buffet Lunch will be provided

1.45   Prof  James Drife – Writer & Emeritus Prof O&G at Leeds Univ.: Forgotten heroes and heroines who made childbirth safe

2.30 T&C break

2.50 Prof Paul Goddard – Writer and Emeritus Prof Radiology UWE:  A history of nutrition

3.20 Dr Stephen Mawdsley  - Sen. Lect. American History, Univ. Bristol: Jamaica Ginger paralysis

3.50 Jenny Hutton – PhD Researcher, Dept History, Univ Bristol:  Clinical trials in 1950’s America

4.20 conclusions and end

Cost £30 to include food and refreshments.  Concessions available for students.

Please contact to book a place by 7 Sept.


Last Meetings

Saturday 11 March 2023   10am - 4pm


11.00  Leslie Shutt: Humphry Davy:  from Cornwall to Clifton.  The promotion of a genius

12.00 Jenny Hutton: Infant Blindness, a social history of retrolental fibroplasia
12.20 Roger Rolls: the 3D online tour of the Bath Mineral Hospital
12.45 Lunch -  a two course hot meal  - buffet – with non-alcoholic drinks
13.45 Micheal Whitfield: . Bleeding, blistering and electrical treatments in 18th and 19th century Bristol
2.15 Lois Tutton: a history of Locums/ Medical Employment agencies 
2.45 Comfort break
2.55 Dinah Moore:  Edward Long Fox the elder
3.30 Hugh Roberts: History of Medical Services in Weston Super Mare.
4.00 end

Saturday 1 October 2022

11.30  Reception

12.00   Lunch

12.55   Introduction to afternoon

1.00pm Prof Paul Goddard – the other Elizabeth Blackwell

1.30:    Dr Stephen Mawdsley (Univ Bristol) ‘Teens Against Polio in 1950/60s America’

2.40     Dr Stefan Cembrowicz – Bristol Riots then and now – an eye witness speaks

3.10     Dr Peter Carpenter: Dr Samuel Hitch, founder of the Royal College Psychiatrists

3.40     Dr Michael Whitfield: Using records for medical history research  

4.00     Concluding remarks Dr Michael Davidson, President.


Monday 10 May 2021 - Webinar 

Dr Michael Till: Dr Walter Hadwen - Antivaccinationist
Dr Monika Blackwell: The Polish NHS 1920's - 1930's - A GPs Perspective

[please note Dr Till's book is available via Amazon; Dr Blackwells book can be pre-ordered via Clinical Press]



Monday 8th March 2021

Dr Stefan Cembrowicz:  Charlatan- or what do Goat glands, short wave radio, soap operas and Hitler have in common?

Dr Peter Carpenter: Dr Charles Langworthy of Bath and his curing Metallic Tractors.


Please note other meetings

Members of The Bristol Med Hist Society are automatically members of the British Society for the History of Medicine -  see  for details of meetings 

The BSHM symposium will be occuring in Sheffield this year - see  for details 

Obituaries of past Members

Past Talks since 2003

13 May 2019
A list of the talks given since December 2003

Welcome to the

Bristol Medico Historical Society.

This organisation, set up in 1986 by Prof John Clamp and Mr Michael Wilson, is dedicated to the research and discussion of all aspects of medical history. The society has a particular interest with history related to Bristol and the West of England.

It is holding its meetings at the Create Centre

Hon Secretary: Dr Peter Carpenter

Please contact through Med Chi Admin
