Presidential Address
Professor David Cahill MD FRCPI FRCOG FHEA
Professor Emeritus in Reproductive Medicine and Medical Education and Honorary Consultant Gynaecologist
Unfortunately the recording was not high enough quality to put online - part of our discovery of issues with recording presentations in the flesh.
However the presentation has been amalgamated with an audio recording in an attempt ot recreate the presentation. There are odd gaps and duplications but bear with us! It does all play!
Address of video:
Professor Emeritus Gordon Stirrat MA(Oxon), MB, ChB(Glas), MD(Lond) FRCOG and
Professor Richard Huxtable L.L.B.(Nott.), M.A.(Sheff.), Ph.D. (Bristol)
Address of Video:
Professor Emeritus Gareth Williams MA, MD(Cantab), ScD, FRCP
Previous Dean of Medicine, Bristol
“Unravelling the DNA helix”
Unfortunately we missed the first minute of the talk!
Video Link:
Four students picked from the 250 student projects.
Ella Smith was judged to be the best presentation from a highly competitive field and is awarded the Med Chi Student Presention Prize.
Video Link:
Professor Sir Terence Stephenson DM, FRCPCH, FRCP
Previous Chairman of the GMC
Jointly with the GP Society.
Georgia Rowley, president of GP Society also talked on student views of the GMC.
due to technical issues we are not able to show a recording of this meeting.
Dr Nabil Jarad and Professor Paul Goddard
Video Link:
Professor Emeritus David Mumford MD MPhil MA FRCPsych
Video Link:
Dr Simon Britten FRCPsych
Video Link:
Dr Catherine Coulson MB and Dr Mel Griffin MD MRCOG
Video Link:
Dr Nabil Jarad and Dr Monika Blackwell
Video Link:
Dr Kutt FRCP FRCR, Dr Sansom MD FRCP
Video Link:
Video Link: